Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pregnancy at 22 weeks

Wow ... am I getting big! I was in the shower last night when I realized that I could no longer look straight down and see my feet! I now have to lean forward to see them! It amazes me how God created women's bodies in such a way that would allow another human being to grow inside of them!

Our little boy is moving and kicking like crazy! He is an active little thing, but I love to feel him move! Brandon and I were laying in bed this past weekend, and Brandon had his hand on my belly just longing to feel the baby move. As soon as Brandon took his hand off, the baby kicked! :) Brandon said "That sorry sucker!" He put his hand on my tummy again and the baby must not have liked that because he kicked hard a few times! That is when Brandon was able to feel him move for the first time! You should have seen the smile that came across his face! He had longed to feel him move, and his wish came true!

Our little boy is now about 1 foot long! And he weighs about 1 pound! He literally looks like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily. Everything that I've read tells me that he will have a major growth spurt and I will start to gain about a pound a week. Oh, what I have to look forward to! :)

On a different note ... we have been working on building a nursery! It is coming together and will hopefully be painted by this weekend! Next comes the carpet! I am so excited and cannot wait to see how it will all turn out!

Our Cutie Pie!


It's a boy!