Friday, September 11, 2009

End of First Trimester

Woohoo! The first trimester is over! On to trimester #2!

This week our baby is almost 3 inches long and it's body is catching up with it's head! :)
Would you believe that if our baby is a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries!? How crazy is that! Only God could create something so miraculous!
Our little one's own little fingerprints have formed on it's tiny fingertips! God has molded our baby into one of a kind and there is no other like him/her!

I have fallen in love with the christian song "A More Beautiful You" by Johnny Diaz. It says:
"There could never be a more beautiful you ... You were made to fulfill a purpose, only you could do ... There could never be a more beautiful you." I can't wait to teach my child these words! God is forming him/her just the way He wants them -- and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Here is a link to the song if you've never heard it before:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Pregnancy at 12 weeks

Wow ... 12 weeks ... that is 3 whole months!
Brandon and I are in awe that I am 3 months pregnant.

Although both of us had a million things we needed to be doing, we took the time to have a lunch 'date' yesterday. It was so nice to spend that time together. We talked about how fast time is flying. It is so hard for us to fathom that there will be a sweet little baby in our midst in just 6 short months! We feel so unprepared and realize that we have so much to do to prepare for this little one! We try to not let the 'planning' get to us. We know that having a healthy baby is what is most important ... and the rest will fall into place.

Our baby is now a little over 2 inches long! The big development this week is: reflexes. Our baby's tiny fingers are beginning to open and close, it's toes are curling, it's eye muscles are clenching, and it's mouth is making sucking movements! Also, our babies kidneys have began to excrete urine into it's bladder.

I had a doctor's appointment this week and I like to describe it as "information overload!" Brandon was not able to go with me, so I had to make a lot of decisions myself. Luckily, we had already talked over a few of them. We decided against the tests for cystic fibrosis, down syndrome, etc. We knew that it would not affect the outcome for us and we would rather have a happy, non-stressful pregnancy. I understand why some couples choose to have the tests -- especially for preparation purposes. But it was just not the choice for us. I also was able to choose whether to donate our babies umbilical cord to our own private blood bank or to a public blood bank or not at all. I chose to donate it to a public bank. I love the idea of our baby being able to help someone else in need. Like bone marrow, cord blood is rich in the blood-forming cells that can be used in transplants for patients with leukemia, lymphoma and many other life-threatening diseases. We talked about many other things at the doctor, such as: the swine flu, what to eat and what not to eat, lamaze classes, insurance coverage, etc!

Most of my pregnancy sickness has gone away - PTL! Yesterday morning was very rough for me and this morning has been a little tough. I really do attribute it to the fact that I am going so long without eating. I have to eat dinner around 5:30 every night now, or I get sick. And I have not been eating after that. So, by the time I wake up in the morning, my blood sugar is so low that the nauseousness is hard to get rid of. I really need to start eating a snack before I go to bed. I just find myself not feeling like eating a snack -- but I really need to make myself. However, I am very thankful that it has gotten much better! I feel very blessed!

I have a doctor's appointment again next week. My uterus has grown to the point where my doctor will be able to feel the top of it low in my abdomen. I'm expecting him to feel my tummy and measure it next week. I'm also hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat!

I'll keep you updated!