Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

To our Precious Baby

Your daddy and I were able to see you the other day for the first time!!! It was the most amazing thing we have ever experienced! You were as cute as can be and you were moving all around. It was so neat to see you tucked in there ... comfortable, content, and playful! We felt so blessed to see your little arms and legs moving and to see your sweet little heart beating! God is so good and we have been praising Him for taking such good care of you!

I wish we could explain to you our excitement! We have not been able to get you out of our minds! Your daddy keeps a picture of you on his phone and he looks at it several times a day! He loves you so much! And I, just simply cannot get that sweet little picture of you off my mind! You are so precious to us.

The doctor measured you as being 1 inch long. You are so tiny, yet all of your body parts are formed! God will continue to 'fine tune' your little body in the coming months as He creates you in His perfect image. You are also developing tiny little teeth this week and because all of your body parts are formed, you will start to get bigger and bigger!

One of your cousins is being born today! His name is Aiden, and I know that you will love growing up with him and playing with him. We will take a trip to the hospital to meet him today.

Your daddy and I cannot wait until the next time we get to see you again. You are growing so fast and we can't wait to find out if you are a boy or a girl! We love you so so much and we are so thankful that God has blessed us with you!


Friday, August 7, 2009

My Sweet Husband

God blessed me with such a sweet husband! I fall more in love with him every day! He has been so sweet throughtout this pregnancy so far. He constantly reaches over and rubs by belly and he is constantly asking me if "that" is okay for me to do or not. The other day we went to get some ice cream, and he said "Is that okay for the baby?" :) Of course, I responded with ... "It's the best thing ever for the baby!" :) Ha! I was also sitting on the floor with my legs bent the other day and he asked me if it was okay for me to sit like that. He is constantly worrying about me and the baby. Although I find it very sweet now, I often wonder if it will drive me crazy by the time this pregnancy is over. :) Either way, I feel so blessed that he will be the father of our child!
Would you believe that I am already 8 weeks along? That is 2 whole months! It's certainly hard for me to believe! The big news this week is that our little baby has started to develop little fingers and little toes! I'm praying that their are 10 of each! :) Also, the nerve cells in our baby's brain are branching out to connect with one another. It's still too early to determine the sex of the baby, but he/she is now about the size of a kidney bean! I'm also told that the baby is moving and shifting all around, but I still can't feel it yet. We can't wait for the day that we can feel our baby kick! We're going to be so excited! :)